Floor Insulation for Homes in Hot Climates

Floor insulation is a relatively simple way of making a house more energyefficient. It works by adding insulation to floors below floorboards or floor
joists, which reduces heat loss into the ground and helps to lower heating
bills. insulation contractor

Insulating a house with floorboards is generally easier than insulating ahome with suspended timber floors, but you need to choose the right insulation
for your specific floors. This will depend on the type of floor you have and
whether it is easy to access any crawl spaces or not.

Rigid foam boards: This type of insulation is made from a solid plasticmaterial and comes in a variety of forms. It can be cut to fit most rooms and
can be used in conjunction with other insulation materials, such as fibreglass
or rock wool. It can have a high R-value and has excellent thermal resistance,
but is more expensive than alternative options.

Insulation slabs: These are lightweight, easily cut, and often made fromrock wool that can be fitted between wooden beams to form a suspended floor
above concrete floors. They are more durable than rigid foam and have better
insulation value.

Polyurethane spray: This is one of the most effective options, having a highthermal conductivity value and a good solid seal. It is also one of the easiest
to spray and can be sprayed from above or below without lifting floorboards.

It’s an important part of any heating and insulation scheme but isespecially valuable in characterful homes, where it can help to stop heat
escaping from the floorboards as well as reducing damp. It’s an incredibly
worthwhile project and can pay for itself through savings on heating and
cooling bills over time.